i lived in a state of shut down, turned off & on high alert
i was invisible and invincible
i was bullet proof and already broken
- shot through with bullets of despair
i was an ego maniac with an inferiority complex
i tried hard to be good - to do good things
I never meant to hurt anybody
and i didn't want to hurt either
i woke up in circles
running away from childhood into adulthood
moving around the country - living in the wreckage of war
and not knowing it was real
waking up as a new parent and already tired
life was a struggle and the bogeyman was real
shadows surrounded me - there was no source
covered by a wet blanket of loneliness
pretending and afraid of being found out
i woke up in circles -
walking back into the familiar pain of invisible
thinking it was good to sit in church & follow directions
earning my way into eternal life
seeking and not finding
seeking a way of life that resembled life
- a here and now kind of life
i woke up in circles
in a desk in a classroom - behind a desk in an office
at a desk in a cubicle - anywhere USA
Illinois - California - Alabama – California
Mississippi – Texas - Mississippi – Florida - Tennessee
the blinders were on - the desk was the answer
i was smart - so smart i was missing my life
- sitting at a desk
i woke up in circles
working too hard - trying too hard – praying too hard
the world was my oyster - i could have it all
until there was too much of everything
- i was sick with gluttony - envy - pride
i woke up in circles
pretending to be what i thought was expected
passing out - not sleeping
looking sober while being drunk
a chameleon - invisible and on high alert
my protector & best friend was a thief and
robbed me of everything but my life
that which i loved became what i hated
- that which saved me began to kill me
i woke up in circles
walking in circles – so smart I was all alone
- i could do it myself
walking in circles - behind a desk - in a church
- all over the country
walking in circles - working - wondering
- studying - praying
- lost in the circles - lost in all the circles
i woke up in circles
confrontation - intervention - confirmation
telling me what i already knew to be true
in my silence i cried for help & help arrived
the circle was broken & life begins again – in a new way
the circle becomes a spiral - open and alive
i woke up in circles
walking out of the church
walking away from the desk
walking away from my family
walking into myself
walking into my pain
walking into my life - beginning again
i woke up in circles
asking questions - hoping for answers
what is this day to bring
where is the power
what is next
how does it work
i woke up in circles
loving the questions - waiting for the answers
wondering - curious - excited
can i stay awake
am i willing to work for that which I don't understand
am i willing to create a life
where i choose to engage
where i pay attention
where i can suffer and not run
where i can just be - in my life
i woke up in circles
still at the desk
still in my family
still in my body
it is the same and very different
it is all new - clean - clear
- new in a way that I don't recognize
- new in a way that feels bigger than life
- new in a way that just seems right
i woke up in circles
letting people in
letting secrets go
opening my heart - learning to trust
i woke up in circles
asking for help
paying attention
seeking guidance
learning to say 'no'
discovering a power i could lean into
discovering a self- i can trust
i woke up in circles
powerless became powerful
bad became good
the worst became the best
lost became found
the dead came back to life
the no led to yes
giving was the way to receive
the 'either/or' became 'both/and'
the black and white burst into a rainbow of color
each ending became another beginning
i am opening up in circles
seeing where i can stretch and become more
naming my strengths and my shortcomings
learning to ask for what i need or want
with hope rather than expectation
trusting my intuition and my experience
watching for safety and truth
becoming aware of who is good for me
appreciating safe people
choosing where and how i spend my time
practicing taking care of myself without apology
making time for my spirit to play
inviting other to join me
discovering new ways
wondering rather than judging
creating with the co-creator
delighting in the imaginings of my mind
creating space that is all time and no time
the love of the process
the love of the color
a human doing becoming a human being
feeling - breathing - stretching
loving and loving more
each spiral into an abyss
a launching pad into another circle
i wake up in circles
circles that are spirals
spirals of love
spirals of life
spirals of color
reaching out to the other
reaching deep to the divine
I am waking up in circles and spirals and colors
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