Wednesday, June 1, 2011

i am from...

i am from
the back seat of a red convertible created in the passion of hormones gone wild
the dresser drawer of the cheap hotel bureau in flint
i am from
 the streets of miami - the beaches of haulover and sunny isles
i am from
 the deep catholic guilt that produces non-thinking people who follow the rules and fear hell more than life
the eldest of too many children born to parents who were children
i am from 
a run away - way of life
where bad behavior is rewarded and being good is never good enough
i am from 
catholic - irish - alcoholic
longing for tenderness and to be seen
always on high alert
i am from 
sandy sheets and salty air and smells that never leave
i am from 
out in the sticks in the middle of the city
buses that run forever and get you wherever you want to go
i am from 
the interama - beer can island - the corner store where chips and coke are the staples of life
babysitting for folks who don't come home
i am from
crying babies - dirty dishes - peed beds - thumb sucking kids
i am from empty words
i am from love

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